Don’t Let Adversity Throw You Off Your Game

Adam Kirk • Jul 24, 2018

Maintaining a successful small business is fraught with battles every day . . .


Maintaining a successful small business is fraught with battles every day, that threaten to compromise what you’ve worked so hard to build, and it is enough to injure your confidence or even make you feel as if you need to change course. It’s just resistance, otherwise known as adversity, and it’s important to remember that it is something you can overcome.

Put It In Perspective 

When you are trying to expand, for example, and your investors won’t part with any more dough, no matter how lucrative you propose it to be, that’s not the end of the story for your expansion.

You can come up with a more convincing proposal, sell it to other investors, and at the very least, continue to be successful at your company’s current size & scope and expand it later on. That’s just one example, but the point is that you can’t let the resistance you face rattle you too much because otherwise, you’ll be rattled all the time.

Lean on Your Team

You have to learn to lean on your team as a business owner for many reasons, but especially because they can take some of the weight off when you have some heavy decisions or responsibilities to deal with. That’s what they’re there for.

As you know, adversity won’t let up just because you have a lot on your plate at the moment; so, you’ve got to figure out some way of alleviating some tasks or duties to make space in your brain to handle the larger challenges. That, of course, doesn’t mean that you should overload someone on your team, either, but you can definitely find a way to spread out the load a little.


Remember What You’ve Overcome 

A great way to help yourself take adversity in stride is to remind yourself of the times you’ve overcome it in the past. Was there a time when your business was close to capsizing, and you were able to turn it over and keep going?

If you did it once, then it stands to reason that you can do it again. It’s guaranteed that, as a business owner, there have not been one, but many times when you battled extremely tough times and came out on top. That is experience that can propel you through most resistance that comes your way.


Adversity of all kinds can be a powerful motivator in a negative direction. If left unchecked, it can steal your motivation, confidence, and optimism for the future. That’s why you should respect the destructive potential of letting adversity get to you, while being always conscious of it. Use the resources available to you, and remember that you can beat it this time just like you beat it before.

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